A 12-year-old boy survived after a trampoline spring punctured his back: ‘Flied like a bullet from a gun’

If you have children, there is a good chance you also have a trampoline in the backyard. They can be a lot of fun, but it is always important to remember about child safety. They can also be dangerous – every year about 100,000 children are injured due to trampoline accidents.

But the story of one child’s horrific trampoline story was utterly bizarre – he survived an injury that could have been fatal, caused by an improper spring that penetrated his back.

Jamie Quinlan, a 12 year old boy from Lincolnshire, England, was playing on the trampoline with his friends. And as he recalled, he suggested his friends that they all jump on it at once.

He admitted that he ‘acted stupidly’ but no one could predict what would happen.

“And then I felt something very strange in my back”, he said. “It turned out it was one of the springs”.

The metal spring flew off the trampoline at a speed of more than 100 km/h, and penetrated the child’s back in a depth of about 6 cm.

“I want people to be aware of the dangers of the trampoline if there are no covers on the springs, or there is a space”, he said.
