The Guys, the Hole and the Farmer’s Goat

What do you do when you come upon a hole? More than likely, you at least take a moment to contemplate what might be at the bottom. Questions may cross your mind, such as, how deep is it and what is down there?

The next logical thing to do is to drop something into the hole and see how long it takes to hit bottom. That is what the two men did in the following joke. The problem is, they took things too far, and it ended up costing more than they thought possible.

Two men are walking across a field, when they come across a very large hole in the ground.

It was so large that they can’t see the bottom of this hole. “I wonder how deep it is.”, the first man says.

The second man pulls out a coin, and flips it into hole. They wait and listen. Thirty seconds pass and still not a sound.

“Wow!” they both exclaim. “Let’s try something else.”, says one man to the other.

They spot a large rock nearby, and with a struggle, they get the rock to the hole. They roll it in, wait and listen. Still nothing.

“My goodness! How deep this hole must be!” says one man. “Let’s try that huge log over there.”, says the other.

Again, with a struggle, they haul this huge log to the hole, and roll it in.

As they wait and listen, and seemingly out of nowhere, a goat runs up and jumps in the hole.

As they both look at each other in shock, they hear a tractor coming across the field.

Shortly, a farmer arrives and asks, “Have either of you boys seen my goat?”

“Yeah!” they both exclaim. “One just came by and jumped in this hole!”

The farmer sits back and tells them, “No, no. It couldn’t have been my goat. My goat was chained to a huge log.”